the best of the best combo brows

  The best of both! Powdered and hair strokes combined together to achieve beautifully natural yet defined brows. The beginning of the brows and toward the middle is feathered with hair strokes which then transitions into a powdered effect to the tails of the brow which achieves perfect definition. Hair strokes are also added around the outer line of the arch to soften the powdered tails. 

Once that is done we use a digital permanent makeup machine or a soft tap tool too gently implant a smooth and blended shade into the eyebrow. With the combo brows there are many options. We can simply add some shading to add a bit of density and fullness or we can go all out to give you the perfect “on fleek” set of brows. Combo brow is great for all skin types and for those who want a little more then a natural look. You will find that the shading will last a little longer then the Microblading due to it being so dense and pigmented. Please view our healed work and brow transformations done with the combo brow. 

This technique can last up to 3 years depending on various factors which include but are not limited to skin type, and aftercare. This is a great alternative for those who are not good candidates for microblading.

procedure for combo brows

A brow treatment is a three–part process usually completed within two appointments.



Prior to the treatment, you will have a personal medical consultation where we will explore your medical history in detail. In order to ensure the correct outcome, we will need to understand what surgery or treatments you have had (or are planned for the future).

We will then talk with you about your desired outcome from the treatment. What exactly do you want to achieve? To change your looks? To replace what has been lost? To feel more confident?

Knowing this will help us to work with you, to develop a solution that meets your needs. In addition to that, we’ll naturally take into account other factors such as your personal style, skin tone and facial features.

During the design phase we will put our make-up artist hat on and literally draw your new brows or eyeliner onto your skin. You will be fully involved in this process. We will be your guide, but you will be the one to approve exactly what everything looks like.

Finally, we will work on your colours. Depending on how natural, subtle or strong you want the result, we will custom blend our colours to perfectly match your requirements. Again, you will be fully involved in this part of the process.


Next, it’s time for the magic which is medical tattooing. The treatment itself involves gently implanting microscopic particles of pigment into the reticular layer of the skin.Using a specialist facial tattooing machine, which works at a much lower frequency than a standard tattoo machine, we gently apply pigment to the skin using very fine needles. The sensation is that of an electric toothbrush being held against your skin – you feel the vibrations but you should not feel any discomfort. We will always work with you at this stage, giving you breaks if you need them. The process normally takes about 1-2 hours, but it varies from person to person depending on your individual requirements. Immediately after a brow treatment you should expect the area to look 20-30% darker than the colour you have chosen in consultation. This will start to fade after 3-4 days.


3. Touch up

A second appointment is needed 4-12 weeks after your first treatment. This is usually a 15-60 minutes appointment to add more pigment to the brow area. This is because as the area is healing, some parts may not ‘hold’ as well as others and you may have a few patches that need more colour. This is completely normal and everyone heals differently. Whatever the case, we advise you always come back to clinic for your retouch.

Your healed result will tend to look darker in appearance. However, this will soften in a few days, the colour will lighten considerably. You will need to follow a simple aftercare routine which involves basic care of the area and application of a gentle balm. After a few days the colour will gradually settle and increase in a pleasing intensity over the next few weeks.



  • Do not go tanning 24-48 hours prior or have a sunburned face
  • Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks prior to treatment
  • Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one month prior to treatment
  • Do not work out on the day of the procedure
  • Do not have Botox or Fillers 3 weeks prior
  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior (natural blood thinners)
  • Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your procedure

  • Do not consume coffee before your treatment

  • Do not take Aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood) 
  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis 24-48 hours prior to procedure.

  • Electrolysis should not be done for a week prior.

  • Do not tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure

after care


  • Use a fresh pillowcase
  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color
  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks
  • Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week
  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after procedure. Wear a hat when outdoors.
  • Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.
  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days
  • Avoid swimming, lakes, hot tubs for the first 10 days
  • Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area
  • DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area



  • Touch-up must be done 4-6 weeks after initial procedure.

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monday-saturday 9:30 - 7:30

36 la colomberie st. Helier JE2 4QB jersey

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