what is permanent make up?

It is  of cosmetic tattooing that uses pharmaceutical grade pigments applied to the skin. The aim of the treatment is to give a natural make up appearance that perfectly complements your skin tone using the right combination of pigments as a result enhance your natural features.  Also permanent  make-up can be used to frame the face therefore give fuller more defined eyebrows; on the eyelids as eye liner to enhance the natural eye line; on the lips add colour to the lips and on the lip line to achieve fuller more defined lips.

Permanent make up is growing very fast  in popularity 

That treatment  is getting very popular in both men and women who want to enhance their natural beauty and look polished without having to regularly apply make-up. Finally it saves you time by eliminating the need to apply makeup every morning therefore you can wake up every morning looking fresh faced and have that “get out of bed make up” look. It is also a great solution for sports men and women, for the reason that there is no smudging after swimming, raining, or after working out at the gym. It is also beneficial for those with disabilities such as neurological weakness or tremors, who may find it difficult to apply makeup evenly every day.

Boost your confidence with permanent make up

Semi permanent eyebrow make up can boost confidence in people with medical conditions such as alopecia, or patients undergoing chemotherapy. Finally it can be used in people with scarring of the lip line or eyebrow to reduce the appearance of the scar.


choose perfect brows for you

 There are a number of methods microblading, ombre brows, powder brows, combo brows )and these will be discussed in your consultation which usually takes place on your first appointment prior to the procedure. For the reason that we are all individuals and have different ideas of what we want. Regardless of your current brow shape, hair, lack of hair, no hair, alopecia we can create beautiful symmetry in a perfect colour to suit you.

All eyebrow treatments take into account the shape of your face, your skin tone, hair and eye colour

Eyebrows are the most transformative feature on the face

 Frame your eyes determine expression and when done properly can make you instantly more beautiful. Eyebrows that have been over plucked, thinned or have started to droop with age we can give you an arch or lift and give you the eyebrows you once had when you were younger and dramatically turn back the clock and instantly make you look  younger.

New eyebrows gives a better result and lift than botox and gives a ‘brow lift effect’.



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ombre brows

ombre brows

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powder brows

powder brows

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combo brows

combo brows

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Add depth and definition to your eyes with perfect eyeliner

Need to define your eyes ? Our permanent make up artist  can create  perfectly defined eyeliner treatments. We can give you a perfect classic pencil look, a liquid liner with a perfect flick, or a sultry smoky eye. You could even try something more elaborate with two-toned eyeliner or ‘butterfly’ shading! However subtle or dramatic, an eye treatment can transform your morning routine – just get up and go!



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beautifully shaped full lips

Many of us lack lip definition and symmetry and with age our lips can become paler and thinner. Perfectly symmetrical fuller lips can be created with a lip liner with blend or full lip colour. There is a choice from the most soft, subtle natural colours to stronger deeper shades-the choice is yours.Imagine not worrying about lipstick coming off, continually re-applying and lipstick bleed.



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